Newborn Session Information For Parents
The best time to schedule your newborn session is during your pregnancy. Your session will be scheduled tentatively around your due date, once you have your baby I will wait to hear from you as to when would be the best time for your new family. We will then schedule an exact date for within a few days to a week.
The best time for newborn sessions are when baby is 6-12 days old and they are still sleepy most of the day. I will ask that you wait to feed your baby once you arrive into the studio as they are most sleepy upon eating. I will provide you with privacy and a quiet atmosphere for you to feed and ready your newborn for their first photos. Babies need a warm environment and because of this, I usually keep it quite warm in the studio. Please bring any props that you would like to incorporate into your newborn session and I will do my best to accommodate them.